
新浪游戏┊时间:2012-11-13 16:37


  今天,据Valve游戏公司的DOTA2制作团队成员爆料,DOTA2将有9种多人对战模式,其中不少我们在DotA中都能找到原型,当然不仅包括DotA自有的游戏模式,还扩展到了DotA OMG等衍生地图的模式。详细情况介绍分别如下:

  1. Classic Mode: Nothing changes from WC3 Dota (same parameters and unfix-able WC3 bugs)。


  2. Normal Mode: New orb effects system, bug fixes that cannot be fixed on old WC3 platform。


  3. Easy Mode: No XP loss from deny, no gold loss on death, etc。


  4. All Random All Mid: The name of this mode describes itself。


  5. Fortress Mode: a team is attacking while the other defends, defending team can buy traps, attacking       team can buy creeps。


  6. Arena Mode: Teamed death match。


  7. Wild Mode: Random heroes with random skills (similar to OMG DotA maps)。

  -野外生存模式:随机的英雄加上随机的技能,你们想到了什么?没错,就是曾经火爆的DotA OMG!

  8. Free Mode: No cool downs with no mana cost on skills (similar to WTF mode)。


  9. Commander Mode: When you die you are changed into another hero with the same items and same level. The first side to run out of heroes or to lose their base loses (similar to death-match mode)。


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